Google Assistant will brighten your day with its new good news feature


There’s no shortage of bad news out there – with wars, famine and the mediocrity of Matt Groening’s new show, Disenchantment, topping the list – but Google wants to fix that, not by censoring bad news but by making it easier to find good news.

The feature is called ‘Tell Me Something Good’ and, according to Google, its purpose is to help inspire and encourage by bubbling up Solutions Journalism stories – stories that focus on the improvements we’re making to society rather than its flaws.

The feature will be available through Google Assistant and the voice command, “Hey Google, tell me something good” where you’ll hear stories like how residents in Detroit are creating jobs by becoming apiarists or how health data from apps is advancing Alzheimer’s research. 

While Google acknowledges that the feature isn’t likely to be a “magic solution” for our news woes, it will provide a small reprieve to those of us feeling a bit burned out by the daily deluge of hard-hitting stories.

Tell Me Something Good is rolling out to Google Assistant devices in the US starting today and should be available on your Google Home, Google Home Mini and Google Assistant-based smartphones shortly.


Gamescom After Dark show will feature Anthem, Forza Horizon 4 and more


Gamescom week is finally here, with game developers from all over the world gathering in Cologne, Germany to showcase their biggest upcoming offerings. Not able to make it there in person? Don’t worry, because GamesRadar has you covered.

Gamescom After Dark, GamesRadar’s live stream in association with Honor, will be bringing you exclusive interviews, playthroughs and live demos with the teams behind highly-anticipated titles such as Anthem, Forza Horizon 4 and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice – alongside a selection of upcoming indie treats such as BioShock-like Close to the Sun and immersive horror The Inner Friend. In addition, there’ll be some top tips and tricks from Fortnite pros and a mystery announcement from a very special guest.

The live show will be hosted by GamesRadar’s video team video team James Jarvis, Zoe Delahunty-Light and Brandon Salt.

How to watch

You can catch Gamescom After Dark on GamesRadar’s official Twitch channel – as well as the website itself – from 6pm BST / 10am PDT / 1pm EDT on August 22 (or 3am August 23 AEST) and 6pm BST / 10am PDT / 1pm EDT on August 23 (or 3am August 24 AEST).

You can view the complete schedule here.


LinkedIn talks the talk, adds new voicemail feature


LinkedIn’s online messaging service will now cater for voice recordings, after a software update designed to expand the way professionals can connect.

Users can now record and send voice messages up to a minute long, ensuring their communications still remain brisk and businesslike (we’re busy people, ok) while giving recruiters and spammers even more ways of cluttering your inbox.

The business-minded social network announced the feature in a blog post, with the intention of making it “easier than ever to communicate when you want, how you want with your professional community”, though we can’t imagine regular users making much use of the feature.

The feature is now live on LinkedIn’s iOS and Android smartphone apps, though the browser version can only receive voice recordings, rather than record its own.

Serious chat

The new voice functionality is the latest of a number of new updates to LinkedIn’s messaging service. Other recently-added features include the ability to send attachments, or tag other LinkedIn users in your messages to share their profile. Users can also now ‘stretch’ their compose box in the app if they need to type out longer messages.

For more laidback conversation, the app also has a new emoji-picker, adding to the very serious, totally necessary GIF functionality added back in April.


The iPhone feature that lets families share apps is being used to scam people


Apple’s Family Sharing feature on iOS was introduced in 2014, enabling iPhone and iPad users to share photos, iCloud storage and iTunes media content with up to five family members. 

Unfortunately, it appears the family-friendly feature isn’t as secure as one would expect, with reports of Chinese scammers hijacking Apple IDs via Family Sharing and using them to make purchases worth hundreds of dollars.

According to a reader email sent to Business Insider, one user was unable to download apps onto his device as his account was linked to Family Sharing, something he doesn’t remember setting up. The only way out was to remove himself from the sharing feature, which required the permission of a Chinese person whom he had no idea how to get in touch with.

While Apple support was able to get him out of the Family Sharing mess, it’s since become apparent that the Business Insider reader wasn’t alone.

App Store shopping spree

A quick search online reveals that scamming unsuspecting iOS users has been going on for a while. Discussions on both Reddit and Apple Community date back to 2016, with people complaining of being added to a ‘family’ or having unfamiliar people added to their Family Sharing account.

According to one user, a scammer from Youku, China, was able to make app and iTunes purchases using a second account associated with his own — something he never did himself. Again, Apple was able to help him sort this out, meaning that the Cupertino company is fully aware of the problem. 

Whether there’ll be a proper fix for this is anyone’s guess, but there are ways you can protect yourself from similar scams.

Staying safe

Going through the forum threads, it’s clear that most people either used the same password across multiple accounts or didn’t have two-factor authentication turned on, making it rather easy for their Apple IDs to be hacked.

Firstly, it’s important to check if any of your online account details have been leaked. The Have I Been Pwned database has a complete list of known breaches; all you need do is enter your email address. 

Ensuring you have unique passwords for all your accounts will also help keep you safe in case of a data breach — if one username and password has been compromised, you’ll know that everything else is fine as they don’t share the same details.

However, the best way to keep your Apple ID secure is to enable two-factor authentication on your iPhone or iPad. This will prevent anyone using your username and password from gaining access to your account without a six-digit verification code that’s sent directly to your device.


Windows 10 gets a nifty Mac feature, thanks to QuickLook app


A nifty piece of macOS functionality that you might be familiar with – QuickLook – can now be enjoyed by Windows 10 users, thanks to a new app which has hit the Microsoft Store.

Mac users can select a file and simply tap the spacebar to invoke QuickLook and pop-up a quick preview of said file in a window, allowing them to, for example, have a closer look at a photo without having to fully open it in an app.

Spotted by The Verge, the QuickLook app is a free download from the Microsoft Store, and implements exactly the same kind of handy in-line previews when you’re working with files on the Windows 10 desktop (note that it doesn’t work with Windows 10 S).

Just like the macOS function, you tap the spacebar to view the preview of the file, and tap again to close it – or hit the Enter key to close the preview and open the file in an app. You can also zoom in or out of previewed images or documents by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the Ctrl key.

Known issue

So, this definitely seems like a smart little piece of software for Windows 10, given that it’s free, although note this is still a working version, as there is a somewhat irritating known issue, namely that previewing Microsoft Office files could crash the app.

Hopefully that will be a problem the developer can sort sooner rather than later.

Mac owners who use QuickLook should be aware that earlier this week, an exploit was revealed that could potentially spill your sensitive and encrypted data – read our report for the full details. Meanwhile, hopefully Apple will patch this particular vulnerability in macOS pronto.


The next Samsung tablet may feature iris scanning and Dex support


The Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 has been rumored for quite some time, though only now are we hearing some more concrete details leaking out.

Latest amongst the mumblings is news of a new iris scanning ability, much like what we’ve seen on Samsung’s phones going back to the Galaxy S8. Also borrowing from its remarkable phone design, the company is said to be reducing bezels to really let the screen take center stage, as Apple is also rumored to do with the next iPad.

Where does that leave the home key that has traditionally housed the fingerprint scanner? We’re currently not certain, but it may shift to the side or rear, or Samsung may lean in completely on its iris scanning tech as its sole biometric.

Not only is the upcoming tablet all but guaranteed to look a bit different than before, it will likely be more powerful, too. Rumors state that it will harness the power of the Snapdragon 835, 4GB of RAM and will run with Android Oreo 8.1. It’s said to utilize Samsung Dex, according to SamMobile, though it’s not clear how it will be setup to work with a monitor.

This could very well be an announcement saved for IFA 2018 in September, though with Apple’s new tablet reportedly coming soon, Samsung’s latest had better be worth the wait.

Via PhoneArena
